Want to live a longer and healthier life? We should each do our best to live in good health for as long as we can. This is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and since knowledge is power, we invite you to learn more about aging well and how to prepare now for the future you desire!


Are you an older worker? Welcome to issue two of our newsletter with information and resources on how to build more flexibility in your life and work. Did you know the amount of workers over age 55 has doubled in the last 20 years? Employers are realizing that a multigenerational workforce provides a competitive advantage as their customer base also ages. Click the 'Read More" button to open the full newsletter.

Additionally, two interviews from our podcast, Aging-A New Reality are linked below. We speak with Professor JP Hatala about employment for older adults and with our COO, Tarin Lewis about older workers, labour market disruptors and how we, The CTDC, can assist.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Professor JP Hatala: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Tarin Lewis: [PART 1] [PART 2]


Did you know that housing and healthy aging are intertwined? Based on a 2022 study by the National Institute of Aging, 100% of surveyed Canadian seniors express a desire to remain in their homes as they age.

This issue addresses the vital topic of aging in place and the important things you should consider when making your plans. Click 'Read More' to open the full newsletter!

Additionally, listen to our interviews below with, Bob Akbari about housing for older adults, Sue Lantz, authour of "OPTIONS OPEN: The Guide for Mapping Your Best Aging Journey" and our panel discussion about housing.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Bob Akbari: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Sue Lantz: [PART 1]

[PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Panel Discussion - Housing


When it comes to caregiving, it is important to plan for the health and happiness of both you and your loved ones. Social workers and health professionals may take on the role of a caregiver, but family members and friends often assume this role most frequently.

A common misconception in Canada is that healthcare is free, and as a result, many families are not financially or emotionally prepared for the caregiving journey. This issue, linked below, is filled with resources that can help.

Click 'Read More' to open the full newsletter, and then listen to our interviews with Deborah Bakti (former Vice President of HR for long-term care and home care organizations) and Gordon Ley (Senior Wealth Advisor at Ley Hall Wealth Management) to dive deeper into the topics of long-term care, caregiving and financial planning.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Deborah Bakti: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Gordon Ley: [PART 1]. [PART 2]


Did you know that social inclusion is a crucial aspect of healthy aging? A recent report showed that 20% of Canadian seniors do not have a single person to reach out to in case of emergency. Another shocking statistic we discovered was that being lonely is as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and poses a significant risk for mortality.

This newsletter is full of information to educate and support older adults about the importance of maintaining social ties. Learn the risks, how to mitigate them and stay connected! Click 'Read More' to open the full newsletter.

Additionally, listen to our interview with Dr. Marie Savundranayagam, FGSA. to learn more about the importance of social well-being and continuous learning as we get older, as well as our panel discussion addressing the importance of social connection.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Professor Marie Savundranayagam (Part 2)

Aging, A New Reality - Panel Discussion - Social Connection


Dive into the world of food and nutrition for older adults! This issue is all about nourishing your body and mind and exploring the relationship between food and well-being:

  • Discover the power of nutrient-dense foods and how they can boost your vitality.
  • Learn about the dangers of undernutrition and how to prevent it.
  • Explore the nutrition challenges we face as we age and effective solutions.
  • Understand the profound impact our food choices have on our health span.

Click 'Read More' to open the full newsletter, and listen to our two-part interview at the link below with Sandy Maxwell, Senior Nutrition Policy and Program Analyst at Ontario Public Health Association (Nutrition Connections) to learn more about nutrition for older adults and women's health with Dr. Wolfman.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Sandy Maxwell: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Dr. Wendy Wolfman:

[PART 1] [PART 2]


Your mental well-being matters, and this issue is packed with essential insights and resources to help you and your loved ones thrive. As we age, it’s critical to manage anxiety and keep our brains active and engaged. This issue covers:

  • Expert tips on managing anxiety
  • Different types of dementia, their risk factors, and how to protect your cognitive health.
  • Support groups and resources for seniors and caregivers.
  • Understand the warning signs and stages of Alzheimer's disease to better navigate this journey.

Click 'Read More' to open the full newsletter, and listen to our interviews at the links below with Dr. Jenny Ingram, a dementia specialist, registered psychotherapist Iain Buchanan, to learn more about brain health and women's health with Dr. Wolfman.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Dr. Jenny Ingram: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Iain Buchanan: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Dr. Wendy Wolfman:

[PART 1] [PART 2]


Did you know that 75% of older Canadians worry about financial security? In this edition, we address the crucial topics of financial planning and wills, helping you navigate this significant stage of life with confidence and peace of mind. Learn about:

  • Planning Ahead
  • Managing Finances
  • Smart Investments
  • Financial Assistance
  • Estate Planning
  • Making a Will

Click 'Read More' below to access the full newsletter, plus local resources that can help you through the process!

Plus, we interviewed a local financial expert, Gordon Ley (CIBC Wood Gundy) on our podcast, Aging A New Reality. Listen to [PART 1] and [PART 2]


This issue explores a topic that concerns us all - Climate Change. As older adults and seniors, it's vital for us to understand how climate change can impact our lives, including our health, how to mitigate risks and prepare.

Click the link below to read the full newsletter and dive into the following topics:

  • Preparing for the unexpected and local resources.
  • Water-related Illnesses, staying hydrated and safe.
  • Respiratory effects: breathing easy in a changing climate.
  • Mental health effects: navigating the emotional impact.
  • Heat Illnesses: staying cool and comfortable.
  • Signs, symptoms and recognizing warning signs.
  • Prevention tips: actions you can take now.

Our hope with this newsletter is to help you stay informed and safeguard your well-being for many years to come!

To learn even more about climate change, its effects and how to be prepared, listen to our three interviews with Dr. Anabel Bonada (from the Intact Centre) on our podcast: Aging, A New Reality and watch the short Climate Change video we created for our Global Disruptors video series.


Identifying a life purpose may seem difficult. Many seniors go through a period of trial and error after retirement in search of new meaning in their lives. A sense of meaning and purpose can impact our health in a positive way, protecting against Alzheimer’s, disabilities, cardiovascular problems, and impairment. Read the full issue linked below and learn:

  • How to find purpose
  • Why purpose is important
  • Aging, longevity and purpose
  • Purpose in life can change
  • Housing built with purpose

For additional insight into aging and purpose, listen to our short interview with Dr. Marie Savundranayagam, FGSA. to learn about how purpose intersects with mental health, social well-being and continuous learning as we get older:

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Dr. Marie Savundranayagam (Part 1)


This issue is all about the magic of learning! Lifelong learning not only forms part of your personal and professional development but also slows cognitive decline which will prolong your health span.

In this issue we explore the following topics:

  • Benefits of continuous learning
  • Discover the many unique ways of absorbing knowledge.
  • Practical techniques to enhance your learning.
  • Learn how acquiring new skills can boost your confidence and competency.
  • How can you discover new interests and passions?
  • The benefits of sharing your wisdom/skills with others

Click on 'Read More' to download this issue for free!

We also invite you to dive deeper into this topic and listen to our insightful interviews with Dr. Savundranayagam on the importance of social well-being and continuous learning as we age, and with Professor JP Hatala about strategies for older adults who are looking for employment and wish to remain in the workforce.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Dr. Marie Savundranayagam (Part 2)

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Professor JP Hatala (Part2)


In today's rapidly changing world it's crucial to tackle ingrained biases and stereotypes. Help us combat ageism by expanding your knowledge on this important subject. Download this issue for free at the link below and dive into the following:

  • What is ageism? 
  • Why is ageism a concern? Explore its growing significance.
  • Where does ageism start? Trace its roots and implications.
  • Negative consequences of ageism: Understanding its impact.
  • Societal effects of ageism: How it shapes our world.
  • Is being old something to avoid? Let's challenge this misconception.

Additionally, two interviews from our podcast: Aging, A New Reality are linked below. Professor JP Hatala speaks about employment for older adults, and our Chief of Operations, Tarin Lewis speaks about older workers, labour market disruptors and how we, The CTDC, can assist.

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Professor JP Hatala: [PART 1] [PART 2]

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with Tarin Lewis: [PART 1] [PART 2]


In 2022 the number of seniors (individuals aged 65+ years of age) using the internet increased to 82.6% and many of them are wondering how to navigate the digital world safely. 

The final issue of our newsletter, "Longevity: The Fourth Stage of Life" addresses this common concern and will is guide to help you and your loved ones with following:

  • Basic internet navigation
  • Troubleshooting common issues
  • How to access Government of Canada online systems and services
  • Accessing and creating accounts on the Government’s ‘My Service Canada’ (MSCA) and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) websites.
  • Identifying and protecting yourself from scam emails (including fraudulent “CRA” emails)

Click 'Read More' below and learn how to confidently and safely navigate these important sites.

Learn even more about computer safety in our interview with Craig Bell from the OT Group below:

Aging, A New Reality - Interview with C.Bell [PART 1] [PART 2]

Additional Resources


Our radio interview series on Northumberland 89.7 FM where our CEO Madelaine Currelly brings her knowledge and connections together with experts to address vital topics of concern related to aging well and how best to prepare for the future.


Want to keep your house? Support your kids? Stay alive? Never stop working [article by Cathrin Bradbury on thewalrus.ca]


Download free "Climate-Ready Infographics" and read the latest climate news from the Intact Centre, an applied research centre located within the Faculty of Environment at the University of Waterloo.


 CBC Radio Specials: Join host Cathy Browne on a journey into the emerging trends in senior culture and meet people who want more than the traditional retirement narrative.


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